Race Against Train

Being a biker, I always love to ride more.
In 2008, I was riding my Hero Karizma from Pune to Lonavala with bikeguru Dilip Bam. There is a small patch where railway tracks are quite near the highway. While I was riding a train crossed, I just increased my speed of the bike to ride parallel with the train. At that time I got the concept RACE AGAINST TRAIN.
We went back to Pune after the ride. I planned well and decided to do a race with Aravali Express Train which runs from Bandra terminal to Jaipur Railway station.
I choose this train because I was familiar with the Mumbai to Jaipur route because I rode on this route before also. For my safety, I took full-face helmet, riding jacket, knee guards, gloves, and shoes. I had kept some 5-Star chocolates and cashew nuts for emergency food.
On 26 April 2008, the race started from Bandra Terminus Railway station in Mumbai. The train ARAVALI EXPRESS, which leaves Bandra railway station at 21:00 hrs (9.pm) at night is scheduled to reach Jaipur railway station (Rajasthan) at 18:45 hrs (6:45 pm) evening the next day, having a total running time of 21 hours and 45 minutes.
As the train pulled out of Bandra railway station, I started my bike Hero Karizma and rode north on the Western Express Highway (NH-8). People who know Mumbai would know the traffic density on NH- 8 at that hour. There are many junctions, traffic signals, traffic hazards, and physical dangers (of accident) for bike and rider, especially for a rider who is riding at night on the public road to create a record. At traffic signals, I had to stop at the red light and there is time lost. The train (as we all know) has no such restrictions and / or dangers. My team was following me in a car a Chevrolet Tavera but I was far ahead of the car and could not be seen from the car.
In the car there were:
→ Myself==DilipBam, (Dilipbam.com
→ Lokesh Owhal (bike mechanic) with two spare wheels, tools, and spares.
→ We carried one front wheel assembly and one rear wheel assembly to save time in case of puncture / flat tyre.
→ Sandeep Sinha, Public Relations Manager of Poona School of Business, who sponsored this record event.
→ Dr. Sachin with emergency aid in case of an accident.
→ Amit Saha, my cousin, who came along to encourage Devjeet.
I rode non-stop through the night, my team following in a car, never saw me because I was far ahead. Since they did not see him, they were sure there was no accident and I was moving on ahead of us. I continued non-stop till 13:00 hrs (1.pm afternoon) the next day (27 April 2008) where I stopped for drinking Nariel Pani==coconut water.
At that time my team was able to reach where I stopped.
Non-Stop riding means I stopped only for filling petrol. Without that, I cannot ride further.
After the break, I continued the ride and my team followed me.
I hit Jaipur railway station a little after 18:15 hrs (6:15pm). It was not yet dark.
The Aravali Express train had not yet arrived.
My friends and media people were already there and waiting for me. It was my first every long-distance non-stop ride. I was really very excited and happy.
I thank my friends and team. Without them, the ride was not possible.